What do you see? What is He thinking? What does He feel? How do you feel? What does He want? Where is He looking? Why is He there? What does He see?
Friday, May 23, 2014
Consecrated missionaries like my companion, Elder Arick Collett, are protected by their commitment to righteous living and obedience, but you don't have to be a missionary to enjoy the same protection and blessings! Make the commitment. Be baptized. Go to the temple. Read your scriptures. Attend church. Choose the right! And then you can be all that you were meant to be. — with Elder Arick Collett.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
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Jesus is the Christ, Thomas S. Monson is His prophet,
the Book of Mormon is His word, and this is His church.
Monday, May 19, 2014
The message that we share is as (and perhaps more) relevant to those who "already know" Him as it is to those who do not. Jesus Christ is a glorified, eternal being. His power, goodness, presence and knowledge know no limit. Surely to come to know such a wondrous Savior is an infinite process and not a singular event, especially and particularly for such weakened creatures as we. Missionaries share a message that will expand and deepen any relationship with this Jesus, and will bring happiness and peace in ever-greater measure.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Facebook: BARE it!!
Bear your testimony! Oh no wait, I meant BARE it! My bare testimony is that Jesus is the Christ, and that the Book of Mormon contains the fullness of His everlasting gospel. Bare yours!! #baretestimony
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Facebook: We Invite All
Dan Jones was one of the greatest missionaries of all time, and the message he shared is identical to ours. We invite all men everywhere to read the Book of Mormon, to ponder in their hearts the message it contains, and then to ask God, the Eternal Father in the name of Christ if the book is true. Those who pursue this course and act in faith WILL gain a testimony of its truth and divinity by the power of the Holy Ghost. I know it.
Monday, May 12, 2014
Facebook: God Sends Us Messages
Missionaries are gone from home for two years! Because our families love us, they often send us messages. My fantastic companion received 25 letters one day, and look how happy he is!
God's children leave His presence and come to earth for an entire lifetime, but because He loves us He sends us messages. These messages come through modern prophets, and through personal revelation as we pray, and study the Book of Mormon. I testify that communicating with Heavenly Father will make us even happier than Elder Collett is in this picture. Through His messages, we can have peace, we can have joy, and we can know that the Book of Mormon is true, and that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Jesus Christ's one true church.
— with Elder Arick Collett.God's children leave His presence and come to earth for an entire lifetime, but because He loves us He sends us messages. These messages come through modern prophets, and through personal revelation as we pray, and study the Book of Mormon. I testify that communicating with Heavenly Father will make us even happier than Elder Collett is in this picture. Through His messages, we can have peace, we can have joy, and we can know that the Book of Mormon is true, and that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Jesus Christ's one true church.
Friday, May 9, 2014
Facebook: #ItWasMom
My mother taught me to read by studying the Book of Mormon with me. She helped me overcome my debilitating shyness and speech impediment by having me regularly practice bearing my testimony in an empty chapel during the week. So why can I speak? Why can I read? Why can I stand and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people I love without a shadow of a doubt in my soul? Because there was an angel in my life who guided me through, who taught me how, who brought me here, and #itwasmom.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Facebook: Who am I?
You have asked, "Who am I?" I know you have, because everyone has. Everyone does. Let me tell you who I am.
I am Elder Jorgensen, a son of the Almighty God. I am a disciple of the Master, Jesus Christ. I am a member of His restored church and a holder of His holy priesthood. I am a messenger sent by the one living prophet of the whole earth to declare the gospel of Jesus Christ to every living soul in the sound of my trembling voice, that they might have everlasting life. I am a teacher, a brother, a missionary, a believer, and a son... I am His son.
I know who you are. I know that you need to hear it; to know it. Message us. Text us. Call us. Meet with us. Chase us! Sprint from your houses and out of your cars and beg the first missionary you see to tell you for the first or second or the 500th time who YOU truly are.